Beginning in 2015, the Economic Club of Tampa hosts the Mayoral Inaugural Ball, a black-tie formal event following the official swearing in ceremony. The Ball, taking place on Friday, May 5, 2023, has become one of the city’s premiere social events celebrating the newly elected Mayor of Tampa and honoring current and previous city leaders.
Net proceeds from the fund are given to Hillsborough Education Foundation, a tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to purchase Florida Prepaid College Scholarships for low-income, at-risk students who are demonstrating hard work and academic success. HEF obtains matching contributions dollar for dollar from the State of Florida for scholarships.
Hillsborough Education Foundation’s Take Stock in Children mentoring program helps to ensure student success by interviewing and screening applicants, signing scholars to a written contract, recruiting and developing volunteer mentors for each recipient and assigning a college success coach. All of these services combined with the promise of a college scholarship substantially increase graduation rates of these underserved students. Last year, 100 percent of seniors in HEF’s mentoring program graduated from high school.
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Download the list of sponsorship opportunities here or contact HEF Chief Advancement Officer Mike McCollum by the April 21st deadline at (813) 574-0296 or [email protected].
Important Event Details
Hosted by: Economic Club of Tampa
Celebrating: Newly Elected Tampa Mayor
Honoring: Former Mayors Bob Martinez, Dick Greco, Sandy Freedman, Pam Iorio and Bob Buckhorn and Mayor Jane Castor
Event Location: JW Marriott Tampa Water Street
Event Date: May 5, 2023
VIP Reception: 6-7 PM
Dinner: 7-8:30 PM
Program & Mayor’s Acceptance Speech: 8:30 PM
Dessert & Dancing: 9-10 PM